Tap’d to crack world record tap takeover

A Victorian brewer hopes to crack a Guinness World Record at an Ipswich hotel next month.
07 Aug 2018
Discover Ipswich, Staff Writer

Eat & Drink

Tap’d to crack biggest tap takeover

Ipswich’s famed craft beer bar, Tap’d at the PA Hotel, has already scored a couple of titles in its time but now it’s trying for a world record.


Tap'd Ipswich

The bar, which already claims to have the biggest craft beer and cider offering in the southern hemisphere at 72, will host the biggest tap takeover in the world on Saturday, September 8.

Tap takeovers happen when a guest brewer presents their own range of beers at a single venue. In this case it will be Victoria’s Dainton Brewing – where the team is stashing away kegs of wild flavoured brews in anticipation. They’ll be transferred in a refrigerated container for the big event.



Dainton has earned quite a reputation for wacky brews – from a ‘Cherry Gripe’ choc cherry coconut stout and a Passionfruit Belgian Pale Ale to an ‘Aeroplane Jelly’ porter and ‘Skittle-brau’ New England IPA – and yes, real Skittles went into it. If it’s a more savoury ale you’re looking, perhaps aim for the ‘pizza beer’ or the ‘shiitake mushroom pale ale.’

Here are 10 more tried and tested Dainton offerings to watch out for at the World’s Biggest Ever Tap Takeover at Tap’d at the PA this month.

Cherry Wood Smoked Rye Baltic Porter – a smooth, dark and smoky number.

Oatmeal Stout  – it’s said to be a classic with silkiness from the addition of oats to the mash.

Saffron in my Rye –  Saffron gives this beer a bright yellow hue and coriander seeds give a kick to the spicy Belgian yeast strain and citrusy Waimea, Summit and Azzaca hops.

Choc Orange Porter  – “A beer that delivers your Terry’s Choc-Orange dreams in a glass.’

Tropicana Session Saison – made with real pineapple in the mix.

Fruit Punch IPA – pineapple and passionfruit is the mash-up that give this one its name.

Skittlebrau – yes, they really did put Skittles into this brew.

Grapefruit Sour New England IPA – for classic citrus flavours in your ale.  

Blood Orange Berlinner Weisse – a sour wheat beer with blood orange juice added into the fermenter.

Mocha Chocca – a New England Black Rye with quite the hat trick going on – coffee, chocolate and hops!

All these – and more than a hundred others will be on offer for the tap take over at the PA. If they crack the takeover and get more than 130 brews flowing on the day they’ll claim a new Guinness World Record.



The World’s Biggest Ever Tap Takeover will run from 11am to 5pm.

Tickets are $10 with $2 from each ticket sold going to Soldier On. This is an $18+ event. Book tickets here.

Tickets will also be available at the door but those bought online include a free tasting paddle of four beers.

The PA Hotel, at 170 Brisbane Rd, Booval, was named  best regional hotel in Australia in 2018.


Discover Ipswich Staff Writer
Rocky the Rock Wallaby is a Sagittarius who lives at the Ipswich Nature Centre and often contributes to Discover Ipswich in his spare time. When he's not busy showing tourists around, blogging or hanging out with his cute and fluffy mates at the Nature Centre, he likes to hit the gym for a leg session, graze on quinoa salad and ponder the possibilities of the universe.

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