One of this city’s best kept secrets is the Ipswich Nature Centre, nestled into historic Queens Park in the heart of the city. The centre is run by a dedicated team of animal-loving staff who sometimes are unable to resist capturing unexpected outbursts of cuteness on their phones. Here’s a collection of their favourite moments.

Dingo pups are among the newest additions to the nature centre in 2018.

The bird with the haunting call and unusual nesting habits… the ever-intriguing bush-stone curlew.

A frilly necked lizard enjoying the sun.

Luna the spotted-tail quoll is popular with young visitors who love to watch her dart around her enclosure.

Lucky the magpie goose is one of the farm animals at the centre.

A blue tongue skink flashes his namesake. Moments like these make zoo-keepers love their work.

Not something you see every day! A rock wallaby up a tree at the Ipswich Nature Centre.
The centre is open free of charge from 9.30am to 4pm Tuesday to Sunday and daily during school holidays. And while you’re there you can also check out Queens Park Cafe, Nerima Japanese Gardens and the vast gardens, plays and playgrounds of Queens Park.