The Great Outdoors
Ipswich from above

Aerial photography is becoming pretty popular today. Buying a drone can be as little as buying an entry level DSLR camera. Most people are scared of crashing their drone and I’m not going to lie, I was scared when I got my first drone but over time I’ve gotten pretty confident with flying.
This photo was shot over the oval of Saint Mary’s Church with daylight slowly coming to an end.

As a beginner, I would just shoot in auto mode, but as I’ve become more advanced in aerial photography I’ve started to shoot in manual mode. This helps with finding the best exposure for the photos you want to take. Afterlight is great for editing aerial photography as you can fix your exposure if you stuff it up, and if your photos are in a raw format. Most drones have great camera ranging from 12 megapixels all the way up to 20 megapixels.
In this photo, two bridges connect two sides of Ipswich into one. The popular River Heart Parklands walk can be seen from a different angle.

After finding my addiction for flying high and fast, I’ve never been able to put down the remote. It’s honestly an awesome feeling when you get to see something you see everyday from a different angle. Colleges Crossing is a really well-known recreational area with great picnic spots, that’s also great for fishing. This photo was taken on low tide on a Sunday afternoon.